In theaters 12-25-2004

20th Century Fox

Listen and download the "behind-the-scenes" audio features. The clean cuts contain celebrity sound bites followed by audio clips from the film.

In his time, he was a hero who walked the walk and talked the talk. And now FAT ALBERT is back, coming from his time to our time as Kenan Thompson of “Saturday Night Live” fame, brings one of the most beloved cartoon characters of all time to life in this fabulous fun-filled comedy/adventure based on the characters created by Bill Cosby. The movie adds an exciting new twist to the characters by having "Fat Albert and the Cosby Kids" step out into the “real world,” becoming flesh-and-blood, as they face challenges they couldn't have dreamed of as cartoon figures! From producer John Davis, directed by Joel Zwick, it's “hey hey hey” on Christmas Day! Trailers: FAT ALBERT
- movie overview.

- includes cast and crew information.
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All audio sound-bites and clips, images, and text on this website, retain their original copyright as owned by their respective movie production companies. All of the above is for promotional purposes only and Radio Links Hollywood and holds no liability from their misuse.

film transfer services
Hi8 - Slides - 8mm - Super 8 film tranfered to DVD

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3:00 minute production mix including Lori's narration 1:30 minute production mix including Lori's narration clean cuts for your own production work